A logo and an identity for a financial process liability adviser. The name refers to someone who gives advice in a decisive manner. The logo shows a magnifying glass spotting a broken cog. The identity has three colours resembling three different aspects of the advice offered.
The identity has been developed for business cards, letterheads, headers and footers for email and letter layout.
The logo and identity was made in assignment for De Koene Raadgever.
A logo and general visual was made for a mountainbike-clinic startup aimed primarily at women. The logo had to visualize the positive effects of mountainbiking and a “top-of-the-world” feel. A set of logo’s usable for various purposes as wel as a color identity and a social media template was made.
This logo was made in assignment for Dutchgirls on Wheels.
An infograph displays a lot of data in a visual and understandable manner. This series of infographs display different types of information in a type of graph that suits the topic. The use of shadow and paper resembles the magazine and the spotlight used to light out a certain topic. This infograph item is a fictional project.
The NOS is responsible in the Netherlands for news, sport, political and events programming on the public service television networks. The eight o’clock news bulletin is often the program with the highest number of viewers. Graphics and visuals are made for display in the various background screens in the studio.
Working on news bulletins means that deadlines are tight and graphic material isn’t always available. Searching for the right images that justify the topic anticipating camera shots used by the director is a challenge. Creativity as wel as stress-resistance is are qualities needed.
These visuals have been made whilst employed by EMG in assignment for NOS.
TeamNL Olympic athletes are inteviewed on their flight back from Tokyo for a webseries. In the hours during flight an entire episode was filmed and edited to posted immediately after landing. The series needed a logo, a leader, and general identity including lowerthirds matching the main sponsors demands.
The logo displays the Japanese flag, the world and the route back fromTokyo to Amsterdam. The skyline of Tokyo and the rising sun decorate the title of the logo.
This identity has been made whilst employed by EMG in assignment for dpg media.
Art enthousiasts visiting the town of Schoorl and its neighouring hamlets can use this purpose-made map and try to find all the hidden birdhouses. A Dutch local community platform called ‘Schoorl Community’ had asked local artists to decorate a birdhouse in their own artistic style. These birdhouses were then placed in different locations to make up a walking or cycling route. A map was made to guide visitors along all the different birdhouses.
The assignment was given by Schoorl Community.
NOS Jeugdjournaal UITGEZOCHT is a youtube webseries aimed at 8 – 12 year old childeren providing in-depth news on various topics in which the presentor tries to awnser a specific question.
Each 8 – 10 minute episode needs several explanatory animations. The animations can be made from scratch as long as it fits the general UITGEZOCHT identity. The main goal is to transfer fun and trigger the viewers curiousity. After all, the goal is to make news engaging and interesting to the target audience.
Generally it takes four days to fully design and make an episode as wel as a youtube thumbnail. These youtube episodes have been made whilst employed by EMG in assignment for NOS.
NOS Sport broadcasts a series of programmes covering all sports on the Dutch public service television networks. This includes a daily bulletin, extended programming in the weekends and live coverage of big events.
In the weekends when a lot of different sports are covered the work can be very demanding and working for NOS Sport requires stress-resistance and a lot of last-minute design work. Statistics and results must often be presented in an appealing visual manner.
All work is made in assignment for the NOS while employed by EMG.